Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Back / Bicep Workout

So I realized that posting my exercises will be redundant and tiring so I'll just say what I did briefly.

Weight Pullups
Lat Pulldowns
Behind the back Lat Pulldowns

Preacher Curls
Straight Bar Curls
Bicep Machine

Man, that was exhausting :/

Monday, January 31, 2011

2 / 01 / 10

I incorporated a new day into my workout which is usually
  • Day One : Back / Biceps
  • Day Two : Chest / Triceps
  • Day Three : Legs
  • Day Four : Shoulders
But now I added  : Day Five : Core and Forearms. 

I realized that my forearms were slacking even though I do dead-lifts and heavy weights. Plus, I needed to strengthen my core to be able to do heavier weight on deadlifts, squats, and ect.

1) Bodyweight Leg Raises superset Crunches : 3 Sets ; 15 reps each ( 15 per exercise )

2) Weight Crunches

  1. 10lbs - 15x
  2. 15 lbs - 10x
  3. 20 lbs - 8x
3) Obliques 
  1. 45lbs 10x
  2. 45 lbs 10x
  3. 45lbs 10x
4) Farmers Walk
  1. 60 lbs 
  2. 65 lbs
  3. 70 lbs
And a bunch of other forearm workouts that I don't know the name for lol

Sunday, January 30, 2011

1 / 30 / 11

Today was legs day. I have a love/hate relationship with squats so I wasn't really looking forward to it. It was a good workout overall with a few downsides.

1) Squats 
  1. 185lbs - 8x
  2. 205lbs - 8x
  3. 215 lbs - 8x
  4. 225lbs - 3x
*NOTE* A bad bad bad stomach-ache kicked in right before i did my last set. I was dying!!

2) Leg Extensions 
  1. 70lbs - 10x
  2. 80 lbs - 10x
  3. 90 lbs - 10x
  4. 100 lbs 8x
3) Leg Curls
  1. 55lbs - 10x
  2. 70 lbs - 10x
  3. 85 lbs - 8x
  4. 90 lbs - 8x
4) Weight Calf Raises
  1. 60lbs - 10x
  2. 80lbs - 10x
  3. 100lbs - 10x
  4. 120 lbs - 10x
5) Bodyweight Calf Raises

* I do them three different ways/stances *
  1. Inward - 20x
  2. Normal - 20x
  3. Outward - 20x
After this? I ran home and almost died on the toilet. LOL

Saturday, January 29, 2011

1 / 29 / 11

Today I worked out my shoulders. Having to stop working out 2 days prior to my snowboarding trip on Wednesday of this week, I felt sluggish and unmotivated. As time progress, I fell out of this state and had a great workout.

** These do not include my warm-up set**

1) Shoulder Dumbbell Press 
  1. 50 lbs  - 9x
  2. 55lbs - 8x
  3. 60lbs - 6x
2) Behind the Back Barbell Press
  1. 20lbs - 10x
  2. 25lbs - 8x
  3. 30 lbs 5x
3) Cleans
  1. 25 lbs - 10x
  2. 30lbs - 8x
  3. 35 - 5x
4) Side Raises with cables 
  1. 30lbs - 8x
  2. 40lbs - 6x
  3. 50 lbs  3x
  4. Cool-down : 30 lbs - 8x
5) Front Raises
  1. 30lbs - 8x
  2. 30 lbs - 8x
  3. 30 lbs - 8x
  4. Cool-down - 25 - 10x
6) Shrugs with chest press machine
  1. 180lbs - 8x
  2. 180lbs - 8x
  3. 230lbs - 6x
I forgot to mention on more exercise but I don't know the exercise name. LOL

Monday, January 24, 2011


Hello, and welcome to my workout blog. I'm currently 18 years old and I am a freshman at Queens College in New York. I'm 6'2 and weigh 164 lbs. I started working out probably one and a half years ago. I was introduced to it by my brother and since then been going 5-6 times a week. I go to Twins Gym; a decent sized gym which is convenient for me because it is only 2 blocks away from me.

I'll be posting as frequent as I can since school is starting and all. Thanks for viewing!